Patience according to Jackie

Jackie Rod is having computer problems, so I offered to post her blog under mine. 


Patience is a virtue that isn’t always easy to practice.  We find ourselves getting impatient in traffic jams or long lines at the grocery store, and losing our tempers when our children don’t take care of chores we expected them to do.

Fretting over little stuff seems to be the norm.  Most of our troubles are small but become powerful, if we allow them to overwhelm us.  We must learn to be patient with ourselves as well as with others.

The word patience comes from a Latin term meaning endurance, suffering, forbearance, etc.  John Quincy Adams said, “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”  Writers and readers certainly can identify with this.

Most writers have experienced both sides of this coin.  It is so hard to be patient when our characters won’t cooperate but have minds of their own and take us down a bunny trail.  It’s difficult when life interferes and we don’t have time to write.  Hitting a dry-spell or writer’s block can test the patience of the best of us.  Teaching ourselves to be patient can be fruitful and produce new ideas.  When the juices begin to flow again, we will be ready to enrich that work-in-progress.

Readers need to practice patience, also.  Who can be happy-campers when we don’t have time to finish reading an interesting chapter or the last few pages of a good book?  We need to know what happens next!  But the laundry must be done and dinner doesn’t cook itself.  While we’re doing those chores, we think about how the story will end.  When there is time to finish the book, we realize that our imaginary ending was better than the written one.  At that moment, we know we can be writers.

This is how many writers began.   If you decide to write a better book, go for it!  Go for it and send your work to Gilded Dragonfly Books/Editors.  We will patiently evaluate ‘the baby’ that only a highly creative mind like yours could have produced.


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15 responses to “Patience according to Jackie

  1. hamerse

    I wish it were not true that patience is a virtue, because it is certainly not one of my characteristics! I agree that good things come to those who wait but I all too often can’t wait at all!
    Thanks for the reminder, Jackie. I’ll try to do better!


  2. But sometimes it’s so difficult to be patient!


  3. Martha Brown

    In my hospital room following surgery my pastor boss and my pastor both visited and prayed for me to have patience. Hmmm. Told me something about myself! It’s something I strive for, I just want it right now.


  4. I look forward to receiving an evaluation on my work from your company, and since I’ve been doing it for so long, a little more time is nothing in the great scheme of things. Patience is a virtue.


    • Jackie Rod

      Thanks for your patience, Jesse. How is the writing going? I hope your aches and pains are fewer tomorrow. Go forth and mend.


      • The writing is going well; just finished up an unappetizing scene today, but they can’t all be happy ones. And the healing is going well, it was just a minor back injury incurred while teaching a roller derby officiating clinic. I will be back on my skates in no time.


  5. Great advice, Jackie. Patience is a “virtue” all writers need to cultivate. We need it especially with our writing. Or else, we’ll go nuts. Wait! I already am. LOL. Trying to exercise patience with our writing is harder than dealing with rush hour traffic.


  6. Jackie, you are so wise. Cultivating patience means less stress in my life.


  7. Yes, patience with writing is hard, all right. It’s like reading a book and not being able to put it down because I want to know what happens next. Not unlike reading, I can’t write fast enough, because although I have started out with the idea of what is going to happen, like guessing what is going to happen in the novel I’m reading, I may be wrong. My characters may jump up and present me with something different entirely. And unlike Jesse, waiting to hear what you think of my novel is hard!


  8. Nancy, I happened to be reviewing this year’s comments and saw your note. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on patience. I agree, a good book makes us want to find out what is happening next.


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