Category Archives: New Releases


Georgiana Fields rocks! Crimson Dawn continues the Dhamipir saga in the Crimson series.  If you loved Crimson Dreams, Crimson Hearts, and /or Crimson Moon, you should grab your copy of Crimson Dawn. If you haven’t read any of them, why not?

This Dhampir series will  redefine vampire lore forever.  Come visit with Georgiana, Carol Shaughnessy and other GDB authors Sunday at  Georgiana will be on at 6 and Carol at 8.


The full moon cast an enchanting glow across the surf. Jenny tilted her head back and breathed deeply of the salt-brine air. She’d lost her heart to Royce Lucard years ago when her parents visited Wyvern House, the Lucards’ home in England. Jenny remembered the butterflies she’d had in the pit of her stomach whenever she caught a glimpse of Royce. She still got butterflies whenever she saw him. Jenny also remembered her heartache at thirteen when she burst into his study and found him with a woman. He’d yelled at her to get out, to get away. She’d thought she would die then. Strangely, the pain she felt now hurt more.

Jenny sniffed and blinked back her tears. Quaid had been right, but she would never admit it to him. She shouldn’t have healed Royce. But she couldn’t let him suffer. She’d felt his pain, knew the agony he suffered. She just never thought Royce would reject her because she helped him. She figured he would push her away because she was Fagan Dorjan’s daughter. Too bad she bruised Royce’s delicate male ego and healed him. It didn’t matter. If she had the chance to do it all over again, knowing the outcome, she would do the same thing. Jenny wouldn’t let Royce suffer. She loved him. How pathetic was that? Maybe she’d see Royce again.

Someday. Maybe not.






Filed under New Releases, Paranormal, Uncategorized

Grab Thanksgiving Road!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, but the memories linger!  Some of us remember good and fun memories, while others have memories that keep us from going home.

Folks aren’t always happy when a parent remarries too soon.

What if you learned you had a brother or a sister you didn’t know existed?

Could you forgive a sister who tried to seduce your fiance?

Will family welcome home man who went to prison?

Staying away from your hometown to hide the baby you had just our of high school doesn’t work when your dad might need heart surgery.

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